String theory have been in many tech blogs, magazines and podcasts in the recent times. What’s all this hype about? Is it a theory that will lead us into the future? I will try to put it in easy words so that you can easily catch a glimpse of what it is.
1. What is String Theory ?
In short, string theory refers to the mathematical models which seek to find a common explanation for the four main forces seen in nature. These forces are the electromagnetic force, the strong and weak nuclear force and gravity.
2. So What’s the Problem?
Einstein spent the last years of his life trying to unify those the two theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics because as great as they are, problems and inconsistencies occur in some situations which show that neither theory has all the answers. They’re essentially incomplete.
One such situation is a black hole. Black holes are massive in density. They are so dense and heavy, that not even light can escape its gravitational pull. But they are also incredibly small. Gravity has compressed all that mass into a tiny point called a singularity. Do we use relativity to explain a black hole because it contains so much mass or quantum mechanics because it is so tiny?
And now comes our problem 🙂 . Because the center of a black hole is both incredibly tiny, yet incredibly massive, you cannot avoid using both general relativity and quantum mechanics at the same time. When you attempt to do just that, 1+1 equals 8. They break down and give very non sense predictions and answers that don’t make sense. It’s kind of like living in a city with 2 different sets of traffic laws that often conflict with each other. The universe is not nonsensical, 1+1=2 not 8, so something is very wrong !!!!
3. String Theory – The theory of Everything ?
String theory attempts to unite quantum mechanics and general relativity so we can make sense of the universe on all scales, at any place or time, large or small without breaking down.
String theory does this by throwing away the idea that subatomic particles are point-like; instead replacing that notion with tiny vibrating bits of energy, called strings. They’re so tiny that if you enlarged a single atom to the size of our solar system, a string would only be the size of a tree on earth.
These strings are said to ‘vibrate’ at different rates. These ‘notes’ or vibrational frequencies are what give rise to the different properties of quarks and atoms. Vibrations which are similar to the notes on a guitar.
One particular type of vibration (note) may give rise to a muon, while another represents an electron. By changing the vibration of the strings, we can create different particles.
By replacing those point-like subatomic particles with little vibrating strings of energy, we open up a window to the universe that relativity and quantum mechanics can not; a window which may offer us insight into gravity at the quantum scale, black holes or even the birth of our universe itself.
And, String Theory indirectly says that “Information was the first to originate in the universe before Life actually began!”
Interesting, right ?
4.Ok..What is its Current Status?
Unfortunately, directly observing strings is far beyond our current technological means. Additionally, string theory’s rich diversity makes it difficult to explore it! 🙁
Still, particle physicists at CERN’s LHC particle accelerator could connect string theory to reality. In particular, 2 discoveries, supersymmetry and extra spacial dimensions would suggest that string theory is on the right track. Stay tuned.
Hope I have conveyed you a grain-percent of the whole picture!
See Michio Kaku’s(Co-Founder of String Theory ) Documentary on String Theory :