Welcome back 🙂 Many would have guessed the crux of this post, by just seeing the picture above. If you would have done so, probably you will have to read the rest of the post, to know why you were wrong!
It all started, when I started to watch Simon Sinek’s TED Video. He basically caused a cognitive revolution, on people/companies to re-examine their visions/goal statement. That’s one of the greatest TED Talk, I have ever heard. If you haven’t watched it yet, please do watch it and come back, so that you get to know my version of it here!
So, I thought of applying the same golden circle to something called LIFE. Okay, let me just alter the circle, to correspond to my question.
- What really exists?
- How did we come into existence?
- Why do we exist?
Let’s dive deep into the questions, one by one and I will show you what I got as answers.
What really exists?
To be honest, I really don’t know. To be more precise, neither the world knows about it. We never know what exists outside our solar-system, or deep in oceans (or) deep underneath the earth. But owing to our so-called infinite wisdom, we did succeed in finding out stars and planets outside our galaxy (that’s too good, but not good to score the question completely though :p ) and also discovered buried cities/rare species deep inside oceans (Woah !) and finally termed the unknown/undiscovered place in the center of the earth as Core (as abstract as possible !). But, we really don’t know even a percent of what we think we know. To make it in simple words, we have a lot of assumptions/unproven beliefs hidden everywhere, just to make ourselves convinced that we have conquered the universe 😀
So, let me assume that we know 1% of what really exists in the physical world, though the percentage is really high. But for now, that’s fine to keep so that the ratio doesn’t go negligible compared to other questions :p. Okay, let’s move on to one level deeper.
How did we come into existence?
This is a question, that even a child now has an answer. THE BIG BANG !!! Initially, I fell in love with this theory and wondered how the universe really began. But gradually in the process of my search, I felt that the theory itself has a great void of understanding and is filled up with so many assumptions, that the theory is barely standing on a needle stand based on vain unproven assumptions. I still don’t know why people project this as a reality in spite of this being just an unproven theory!  The theory may still hold true, but there may be other better ways to understand the existence of the universe.
Reasoning that came to my mind, speculating this theory
- Dark Matter
- Irreducible Complexity
- High precision of universal constants
- And much more !! – Try googling these, and you will find their dependent neighbors as well 🙂
Once a scientist was asked a question on intelligent life on the universe. His immediate reply turned out to be “There is neither intelligent life outside earth nor inside earth”. We just believe that the information to produce a human embryo just came as a part of random sampling experiment which is equal to comparing Wikipedia to be generated by hundreds of gorillas, typing random stuff. For people suggesting me to read books, I have already read famous books on this topic – Sapiens, A Brief History of Time, Magic of Reality, Parallel Universes etc and still not finding sufficient scientific law-abiding answers. If you suggest me to read more, let me know as well 🙂 If you are still a firm believer of the theory of evolution, try watching Kent Hovind’s arguments on evolutions on YouTube. I bet, you will surely change your opinions.
Fine then, we will make an assumption that we know 0.05% of the fact, on how do we exist. Still, the percentage is too high, but we will still compromise!
Why do we exist?
Coming to the center of the golden circle. This is the question, that I assume no-one ever knows, or at least no theory exists in the textbooks at least. I’m not taking a spiritual path here, as I still believe Science still has the potential to find this as well. As per the known facts, we are here as an accident of a cosmological explosion that occurred before billions of years, and we really don’t know what happens after we die. No-one ever attempts to solve this question, as it is literally impossible to prove/disprove. So, my precision percentage of the answer that we know to this question would be ZERO.
Finally, reaching the conclusion part. We literally know NOTHING(Zero) about our own existence, but still, continue to make theories/fables/stories to make us really convinced that we know the answers. This really doesn’t make sense. We really don’t have the data/authority to disprove about any super-natural power that we don’t know about. This may be an alien/cosmic energy/God(as people say), but can still be a part of our search. I’m still curious on why people just ignore this very possibility, rather than building high towers on the feeble foundation, that we really know.
The Golden Circle of Life teaches us to consider all possible combinations and dive deep, rather than being biased on something, we don’t really know that it is true.
Let’s teach the younger generation to really explore the golden circle, rather than we providing the answers to the question that we really don’t know the answer!